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November 29th, 2020
Tubbo serves as the judge to give Tommy a proper trial, and Quackity, his lawyer. Tommy's defense is that he admits to stealing and vandalizing George's house, but denies setting his house on fire, at least intentionally.
Ranboo is brought up in conversation, because both Niki and Puffy who were out on a date at the time, saw Ranboo and Tommy running back together from the direction of George's house. Tommy denies any involvement Ranboo had, and Ranboo admits he doesn't remember being there.
Tubbo rules that Tommy is on probation for the next two weeks and has to be on his best behavior. His position as Vice President has been stripped from him and he must check in with Fundy every day to recount what he did that day. If nothing serious happens, Dream will remove the walls from L'manberg, and all will be well between the two nations.
Tubbo - We have a problem TommyTommy doesn't like this outcome, but he agrees it's better than another war. He does his best to keep in line.
In the meantime, the server continues to run like normal in the background.
Fundy wants a new dad, someone who will actually love him and care for him. He initially turns to Ghostbur, but when Ghostbur treats him like a little kid, Fundy doesn't want anything to do with him. He turns to Philza, his grandfather, but Phil rejects him. Eret offers to adopt Fundy, and everything seems to be going great for once, but Eret accidentally sleeps through the allotted time, so it falls through. It seems that nothing is working out for Fundy.
FundyGeorge decides that he doesn't want to be king anymore and steps down. Dream installs Eret as ruler once again, handing him his crown back. Puffy is knighted under Eret's crown.
In a series of late-night shenanigans, Quackity, Karl, George, and Sapnap build a new country directly south of L'manberg and call it Mexican L'manberg. It acts as a set for their SNL-style skits and comedy until Quackity renames it to El Rapids, playing off the Hillary Clinton joke of "just chilling in Cedar Rapids." During their time as a country, they get into a few altercations as they push to be seen as a legitimate country by the kingdom and respect from the throne. Most of their conflict is between them and Eret.
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