Season One: Independence

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Wilbur gets the idea to start a drug empire ran out of a hotdog van which he calls the Camaravan. He finds an uninhabited spot in the woods far away from everyone else and starts making potions with the help of Tommy and Tubbo. He only wants Europeans to join his empire, and Dream is upset at this exclusion.

This is a screenshot from one of Wilbur's videos showing a trailer van or RV built in Minecraft. It is grey with a few windows and an iron door. There is a giant hotdog built out of netherrack, a flammable red block, that is is on fire on top of the van. Outside of the van's doors is a set of stairs leading up to it and a shallow pond. Pine trees are in the background behind the van. Wilbur - I'm in the empire business

L'manberg, also spelled L'manburg

July 4th, 2020

Dream gets so fed up with Wilbur that he pushes Wilbur to conform. Wilbur doesn't, and he wants his own space to do what he wants. He declares independence from Dream and calls the area L'manberg (due to there only being men in his country).

Wilbur constructs walls around L'manberg, and delcares that any non-Europeans are banned from entering. However, he favors the British moreso than others.

The walls were originally three blocks high, alternating yellow and black concrete, but as the war got more heated, they expanded them to the walls below. The van is the focal point of L'manberg, but other buildings also crop up inside the walls.

Dream declares war against the group, insisting that there cannot be any part of the server that excludes anyone else.

This is a screenshot of Minecraft gameplay. It shows the L'manberg walls surrounding the van, a pond, a few pine trees, and a couple of wooden buildings. The walls themselves are very tall, crafted from black bricks, and topped off with a yellow and black concrete rampart. Near the top of the walls are windows in the walls in the shape of a plus, but there are bars preventing people from entering that way. The rest of the background is Minecraft terrain with no additional builds. Wilbur - the wall

Initially, L'manberg was made of Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Eret, and Jack, although Jack was not on the server very often after joining. George was invited to join, but he chose to side with Dream. This era is essentially a Hamilton roleplay, and streams from this time period are often nonsensical and whimsical, filled with musical parodies and general chaos. Tubbo and Eret hand farm to build up resources for L'manberg in the meantime.

This is the L'manberg flag. It is rectangular with three evenly spaced stripes: a blue stripe on top, a white stripe in the middle, and a red stripe on the bottom. A black semicircle takes up one third of the flag on the left, laying over the three stripes. The black semicircle is outlined in yellow. Three X's sit in the middle white stripe. The first X is yellow and sits in the black semicircle. The other two X's are red and are evenly spaced on the white stripe.

Wilbur made this flag to be the official L'manberg flag. Each part means something specific.The darker blue and red stand for the bloodshed of the nation, drawing from France. The flag is reminiscent of European flags, and the crosses directly borrow from the Dutch and Amsterdam flags. The blue stands for liberty, white for peace, and red for the blood the nation is built on. The yellow and black stand for the walls of L'manberg.

This is a screenshot from someone's Minecraft stream. It is unclear who's stream it came from. From left to right, Eret, Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur stand on top of the hotdog van and look towards the camera. They are all wearing their L'manberg uniforms.

This is Wilbur's L'manberg uniform skin. His face remains the same, but he is now wearing a blue uniform that a US soldier might wear during their fight for independence against the British in the 1770s. Wilbur wears a black tricorn hat, a dark blue coat with golden shoulder trimmings, a white top with golden buttons, a red sash around his waist, and white pants tucked into knee-high boots. A brown weapons sash runs from his right shoulder to his left hip. He doesn't hold any visible weapons in it. This is Tubbo's L'manberg uniform skin. His face remains the same, but he wears the same outfit as Wilbur does. This is Tubbo's L'manberg uniform skin. His face remains the same, but he wears the same outfit as Wilbur and Tubbo do. This is Eret's L'manberg uniform skin. He is masculine presenting in it. His face remains the same, but he wears the same outfits as Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. This is Jack Manifold's L'manberg uniform skin. He has lighter skin, brown buzzed hair, and small brown eyes. He wears 3D glasses, the ones with the white paper frames and the red and blue film lenses. He also wears a gamer headseat with a microphone attached. He wears the same uniform as the other people in L'manberg.

During this time, Tommy sings "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen to a flower growing inside the walls. Wilbur likes it so much, he adapts the song into the official L'manberg national anthem.

"I heard there was a special place
Where men could go emancipate
The brutality and tyranny of their rulers.
This place is real,
You needn't fret,
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret...

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