Season One: Independence

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Ain't No Cryin' - Derivakat

Dream declares the L'manbergians to surrender or else.

"I want to see white flags outside your base by tomorrow at dawn or you are dead!" - Dream

L'manberg doesn't comply, so Sapnap, along with the help of Alyssa, burns the forest around L'manberg.

Due to being relatively newer on the server, L'manberg doesn't have as many resources, and thus, are quickly and continuously overpowered by Dream.

"No mercy!" - Dream

At the time, the audience was split fifty-fifty in favor of and against L'manberg, as the individual viewer often switched sides based on who they were watching.

Dream's no mercy speech

Tommy - World at War


  • He's a fox, the son of Wilbur and a salmon
  • It's said that he was born within the walls of L'manberg itself
  • Known for his Minecraft hacking and modding videos
  • He gets looked down on a lot, though
  • Fundy wanted a suit like the other L'manbergians but didn't have the expensive crayons with more colors
  • He joins L'manberg
  • There is a clip floating around of Wilbur telling Tommy that Fundy's character is a trans man. Since then, it has been retconned by both Fundy and Wilbur, but the fandom likes to keep it as a headcannon.
This is Fundy's Minecraft skin. He has orange and white fur to look like a minecraft fox. He has black eyes and a black nose. He wears the same outfit as Jotaro from Jojo's Bizzare Adventures. He wears a white t-shirt with a black jacket overtop. The jacket has four small stripes on the lapels, burnt orange, yellow, pastel blue, and very light grey. Yellow trimmings line the ends of his sleeves. He wears solid black pants and black and white shoes. He also wears a black leather bikers hat on his head that have two gold medallions on his brim. This is Fundy's L'manberg uniform skin. His face looks the same and he wears the same uniform as everyone else does. However, the colors are very faded and pastel compared to the other L'manbergians. The dark blue is now a cornflower color, the deep red is coral, and the gold buttons are a pastel yellow. The golden trimmings on Fundy's shoulders are an ugly brown.
This is a compliation of several Fundy sketches next to a fully-colored and finished drawing from the same artist. The fully finished drawing shows Fundy as a realistic fox standing upright wearing the same clothes as his normal Minecraft skin. His arms are crossed behind his back, and he is looking sternly to the right of the picture. The top-right sketch of Fundy is also colored in and fully finished. It's of his head, ears tilted downwards as he smiles to someone off screen to the left of the camera. The next drawing underneath that is a sketch of Fundy's head where he is sticking out his tongue in an angry fashion. Baby is written next to his face. The final drawing underneath that one is a sketch of Fundy without his hat on and sticking his tongue out in an absentminded fashion. The text next to this face reads mind croft. Various pastel stars and diamonds decorate the space between the Fundy drawings. The background is a simple white.Art by @snaillaby on Tumblr This is a cartoonish drawing of Fundy. He is a cartoony rendition of a fox standing upright wearing the same clothes as his minecraft skin. The jacket has been made into a hoodless cloak, hiding his arms. He wears no shoes, only black socks. He looks absentmindedly off camera to the left. He stands on a patch of grass and there is a blue sky scribbled behind him. The rest of the picture has a plain white background.Art by @apollor on Tumblr This is a drawing of two Fundy heads. They are both by the same artist and drawn in a very realistic style. The head on the left shows Fundy as a person with red curly hair and white highlights. He looks down and to the right of the portrait as he cries. He still wears the same outfit as his original minecraft skin. A small fang pokes out over his bottom lip as he bites it. The face on the right stares right into the camera, angry and upset, almost mid-argument. Fundy here is still depicted as a human with red curly hair and white highlights, but he now has fox ears that point down and away from the camera. He is not wearing his hat, but he is wearing the jacket.Art by tiqertoqer on Instagram


  • A mercenary hired out by Dream to carry out his orders
  • Nonbinary character
  • Not too well-known outside of the fps and competitive Minecraft sphere before the SMP
  • Good friends with Sapnap, George, Quackity, Dream, Foolish, Karl
Punz's minecraft skin. They are masculine presenting with light skinned with blue eyes and blond hair. They wear a white hoodie with the hood up that has black stripes down the sleeves. They also wear a gold medallion necklace around their neck held up by a thick golden chain. They have black jeans with holes ripped in the knees over white high-top sneakers.
This is a drawing of Punz from the waist up. They are dressed in the same outfit as their minecraft skin with the exception that their hoodie is unzipped to reveal a tight form-fitting black turtlenecked shirt underneath as well as black fingerless gloves on their hands. The gold medallion remains, but the gold chain that it's on is very large and clunky. There is a rod behind Punz's head that goes off screen. His left hand holds onto it while his right hand is brought up to his chin. Punz is leaning slightly back in the picture to show off that his hoodie is tucked into his pants, and there is a grey rectangular belt holding them up. There is a watercolored blue square behind Punz and a plain white border around that for the background.Art by @BL0SS0M_s on Twitter This is Punz's profile picture on Twitter. It is a drawing of Punz in the same outfit as their minecraft skin. Their eyes are downcast as their right hand rests on their chin, thinking. Black lines surround Punz in an outline and a stylistic background. The rest of the background is light blue.Art by @mintymei on Twitter
This is a compilation of several drawings of Punz, all by the same artist. Punz is wearing the same outfit as their minecraft skin in all drawings. The furthest one on the left is a full-body Punz. They stand in a fighting stance, but their sword in their left hand is down. They look a bit confused and sad off camera to the left. The drawing in the middle is of Punz from the waist up. They look directly at the camera like a teenager posing for their school photo. They are not smiling. The farthest drawing on the right depicts a full-body Punz who is sitting on something invisible and letting their feet dangle. There are various golden stars and sparkles that surround the drawings. The background is white otherwise.Art by @Li_n_arts on Twitter

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