Season Three: After The Nuke Test
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Hannah (HannahXXRose, Hannah Rose)
- A new member
- Known for being insanely good at playing Bedwars (a Minecraft pvp game)
- Becomes friends with Sam, Puffy, Foolish, and Punz
- A flower nymph/fairy and feeds off the flowers around her
- Loves to pull pranks
- American streamer
Art by anaere |
Art by @winter-mornings on Tumblr |
Ponk (Drops by Ponk)
- One of the original eight members of the server
- Known for building massive lemon trees that always get burned down
- Was a doctor during the Manburg-era, helping Schlatt with his ailments and was one of the few that Schlatt actually liked
- Known for being a rapper before joining the server
- South African-English streamer
.png) |
Artist currently unknown |
Artist currently unknown |
- Joined back at the very beginning of Season One with Tubbo and Tommy
- Didn't pick a faction/align himself with anyone
- Known for being insanely good in Bedwars
- Hired out as a ruthless mercinary but hasn't actually killed anyone yet
- Built a purple UFO early on in the server's lifetime so a popular headcannon is that he's an alien
- Purple
- American streamer
Art by @viceravermillion on Tumblr |
In the meantime, Foolish moves to the middle of a desert to build his Summer Home. It remains as one of the biggest and prettiest builds on the server, modled after Ancient Egyptian art and architecture.

Eret is in the process of documenting everything happening on the server, from buildings to important documents to maps and important items from the server's history. They’ve built smaller duplicates of important builds as well as preserve a lot of L’manburg’s history in their museum. In the replica of the Final Control Room, Eret placed a book for Wilbur titled “I’m Sorry” into Wilbur's chest, an apology that they know he will probably never read, but it gives them closure to how they used to be in the past.

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