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Ponk begins to get involved with the Badlands and the Egg, recognizing that they are becoming a massive power on the server. He suggests to them that they hire Purpled to take down Puffy and Sam. Bad and Antfrost think that this is a wonderful idea.
Ponk continues to slowly infiltrate the Badlands pretending to be under the influence of the Egg, but Bad and Ant quickly start to grow suspicious of him and temporarily push Ponk out of their territory and back to Sam.
Puffy is now completely out of the Egg's influence and is one of the most vocal anti-Egg member on the SMP (also known as pro-omlette). But she's all alone in her endeavors versus the steadily-growing Eggpire. She contemplates sending a letter to Technoblade to ask for help.
Bad and Ant plant one of the Egg's saplings at the bottom of the L'manberg crater to hopefully spread it to more of the server.
As Bad tries to get more and more members of the SMP to fall under the Egg's influence, he turns to Quackity. Quackity quickly snaps out of whatever stunt Bad was pulling and runs away. However, Bad has now piqued his interest. They meet up later in neutral territory to talk it out.
Quackity mentions that Bad's been acting out of character, and Bad tries to explain that the only reason why he's acting like that is because the Egg can give him what he wants: Skeppy and the ability to go back to the way things were. Quackity shakes his head. He only asks that Bad try to rebel against the Egg, for Bad's own good. Bad tries, but the Egg hurriedly talks Bad out of it via messages in the mind.
At this point, neither party is getting what they want and they're sitting at a stalemate. But, they both recognize that they share very similar goals. Quackity realizes that not everyone under the Egg's influence wants to be there. Bad learns that despite joining the Egg, there are still other people out there who care about him and his wellbeing.
As Bad heads back from the meeting, he's stopped by Punz whose eyes now shine a dark red. He says that he now sees the way of the Egg and wants to join. Bad is delighted. Their influence is spreading!
In the meantime, Karl learns that Quackity was almost ensnared by the Egg and that he and Bad had a chat afterwards. Karl, fearing for Quackity's safety, writes a note to Bad, threating him and his Egg friends to stay away from Quackity. Bad ignores the threat.
In the next few weeks, Bad catches a glimpse of someone visiting the Egg on their own terms. Quackity, for some reason, has decided to pay a visit. He's not under the influence of the Egg nor is he trying to destroy it. It's almost like he's trying to study it further. But as soon as Bad gets close enough to ask, Quackity is scared off.
As Bad and Ant come back from a scouting mission, Punz mentions that he's heard rumors through the grapevine that someone has stepped forward to potentially take their offer to take down Puffy. Bad and Ant are overjoyed, but first, they have to go check up on their other member.
They find Ponk, still a bit skeptical about whether or not they're under the influence, but they see that they're eyes are now red. That's good enough for them.
The four of them travel to a skull-shaped cave located behind the L'manberg crater to meet this mystery person. Surprise, surprise, it's Purpled. They lay down what's going to happen: Purpled will trap Puffy in the same obsidian room above the Egg that they had previously trapped Sam in, and Purpled will be paid handsomely. They absolutely don't want Puffy dead, just locked in that room. Purpled accepts the deal.
After breaking apart after the meeting, Ponk heads home to decompress. They're still not under the influence of the Egg, and in fact, have been wearing red-colored eye contacts this whole time! Keeping low and undercover is starting to get stressful. But now they have insider information. They head off to find Sam to relay the message that Puffy's in trouble.
February 2nd, 2021
Last we saw Ranboo, they were visiting Dream in prison, but it turned out to be not real. To settle his mind, they decide to visit Dream in prison for real this time, just to be sure. When Ranboo reaches the prison's front desk, Sam declines his visitation request, saying that Dream is currently in quarentine. But Ranboo doesn't mind. They ask if they can see the prison without visiting Dream. Sam agrees.
But Ranboo still has to fill out the usual visitor forms just in case for security reasons. That's fine with Ranboo. When Sam asks the question when they last visited the prison, Ranboo says that this is their first time there, to the best of their knowledge. Sam frowns and says that he has signed contracts from the previous times Ranboo's visited.
Ranboo counters that someone must have forged his signature, because they definitely don't remember having ever been. But Sam pulls out a contract proving that Ranboo had indeed edited and then signed their name in an unfamiliar language (Enderman).
They rack their brain trying to figure out when they could have possibly visited the prison while Sam grows more suspicious by the second. Especially with Dream in quarentine, this could be a ploy to try and break him out. Sam temporarily bans Ranboo from visiting the prison, and sorts to escort him off the prison grounds.
As Ranboo heads out, he remembers that there's a fourth hidden journal of his with all of the secretive things he's done inside. He needs to find it as soon as possible, if not to learn about what he's been doing in these blacked-out (Enderwalking) states.
January 24th, 2021
As Tommy checks on the progress of the hotel, Sam Nook tells him that he should go deal with the Egg because it's starting to become a nuisance on the server, especially with the blood vines growing everywhere. Tommy goes to check on the Egg with Tubbo. They enter the basement where the Egg is kept. They stand on top of it, Tommy confused on what the whole fuss is about, Tubbo crying as he says that the Egg told him mean things. The two get ambushed by Bad and Ant and chased out of the basement after they try to convert them. Sam Nook manages to step in and save them. Tubbo and Tommy then run to Church Prime to bathe in the Prime water and clean the Egg's influence off them.
Despite Sam and Ponk working together to take down the Eggpire, Ponk begins to feel a bit betrayed by Sam as Sam Nook becomes almost aggressive towards Ponk. Doesn't Sam Nook know that Ponk's only putting on an act and isn't a real threat? The least that Sam could do is fix Sam Nook to behave less aggressively towards him.
Either way, though, Ponk makes a miniature roller coaster with a minecart and tracks and uses it to ask Sam to be his valentine. Sam agrees, and the two hang out afterward, neither thinking about the Egg nor the hotel.
In the meantime, Niki has been busy digging out a large area underground for an underground city. Beneath a flower forest, she's convinced that it's one of the only safe places left for her to call home. She also marks this era by donning Wilbur's Pogtopia cape.
Techno hears about Niki and extends an offer to join the Syndicate.
Puffy opens a therapy office, but so far, has no clients. She does, however, eventually find a note left for her that leads to Techno's base.
When she gets there, she doesn't find Techno but does find Ranboo, who is incredibly and uncharacteristically rude to her. He insists that Puffy needs to leave, as her presence will bring about uneeded and unwanted conflict on the server. Puffy just leaves a note for Techno and heads out.
She also places glass blocks over L'manberg's crater to help preserve history and to stop people from falling in.
Karl has been writing down his Tales from the SMP adventures down into his library; however, after his last adventure, he was told that his current library is no longer safe. He needs a new secure place to store these journals.
He enlists George and Sapnap's help to move the library from his old place to the new one, Kinoko Kingdom, and hire Foolish to build it. The place is absolutely stunning and beautiful, taking inspiration from Japanese architecture. Niki's underground city happens to be directly below it.
Karl begins to send out flyers and posters to recruit citizens to his new country.
February 9, 2021
Sapnap goes to vist Dream. As he enters the cell, Sam wishes Sapnap good luck, as Dream has been refusing to speak. When Sapnap gets into the cell, true to Sam's word, Dream is silent, supposedly on strike against Sam. However, he does have a book on him that he writes his responses and passes on the floor to Sapnap. The cell remains mostly the same otherwise. The clock that Dream originally had and kept burning is now back with a warning to not burn again. The lecturn is gone, and some of the obsidian is replaced with crying obsidian, dripping wet and purple down the walls and onto the floor.
Dream asks what took Sapnap so long to visit. Sapnap tells him that he was hurt by Dream, and he's still not quite over it, but over it enough to visit an old friend. But he still thinks that Dream deserves to stay in prison.
Dream says that the crying obsidian is from when he burned the lecturn to try and light a nether portal with the cell. Sam caught on and replaced blocks until it was impossible to do it again. Sapnap grows worried and tells Dream to not try to escape the prison again. Dream burns his clock and the book they were using to communicate.
Dream then whispers so that only Sapnap can hear him. He will escape, it's only a matter of time. Sapnap again insists that it would be better if Dream stayed imprisoned. If Dream did in fact escape, Sapnap would hunt him down and personally take his last cannon life.
Dream changes the subject and complains that he used to have a consistent visitor, but now he's no where to be seen. Ranboo. Sapnap asks if he could relay a message to him on Dream's behalf. Dream only types out ":)". Sapnap says that he'll pass on the very brief and odd message. But before leaving, Sapnap makes Dream promise that he'll behave himself better. Dream does. Sapnap says that he'll get George to visit one of these days, too.
As Sapnap walks back through the prison with Sam, he asks Sam who Dream's last visitor was. Sam says it was Ranboo, but it was quite a while ago. Sapnap finds Ranboo outside the community house and passes the message along to him. Ranboo panics and runs away, leaving Sapnap confused about the whole ordeal. Before Sapnap calls it a day, Ranboo whispers to him a message written in Endermen translating to "Doomed are those who try to run for it always catches up eventually. :)"
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