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Before I get into the explanation, I highly recommend watching this stream as it is very good quality and would be a much better experience than the one I detail here. You can find it here.
April 12th, 2021
The stream opens with two cloaked figures riding horses through the rain as frightening music plays in the background. A third figure wearing a matching cloak and riding a skeleton horse joins them, taking the lead. They head down the Prime Path towards the prison while sirens go off in the background.
The scene transitions to Quackity emptying his chests and walking across the server in all different kinds of weather at different points of the day, keeping his promise to visit the prison every day.
When Quackity reaches the main cell, Dream can breifly be seen in distress, punching at the walls and cowering in the corner farthest from the door. Words flash on screen starting at Day 15 and increasing to Day 29 in between shots of different weapons hung up on the wall: a sword, an axe, a potato, and the shears. The scene fades to black with the music and soon starts to reverse, transitioning into the next scene.
The camera zooms out of the blue ocean to show off a small island. It has a little house with a pier and a bit of space for a few patches of a garden. Prominently, there's a shrine with a music disc resting on it.
Quackity rows to the island, seeking out its lone resident, Sam. Sam is busy tending to his garden and is a bit taken aback at Quackity's surprise visit to his hidden island. Sam's been on this island just to keep to himself and be alone since Tommy's death. The grief was too much to be around.
He keeps asking Quackity how he found the island in the first place, but Quackity brushes it off everytime. Quackity asks for a tour, and upon getting to Tommy's shrine, he says that Tommy's death wasn't Sam's fault. Sam insists that it was still his responsibility since he's the Warden, but again Quackity reassures him that it wasn't his fault.
Sam continues the tour, showing off his sea turtles and horse. Quackity tells Sam that he's a very caring person, that he treats people with respect, that he's always nice to people, that it's a good trait.
The inside of the house is very humble and homely, only keeping the bare necessities. Quackity tells Sam that he's not the only one that thinks it wasn't Sam's fault.
"Tommy's death was a product of Dream, Sam, and you have to accept that to move forward."
Quackity tries to explain that the whole thing, the island, the way that Sam has sequestered himself in the middle of nowhere, it's not the Sam that he knows. This Sam is broken. The Sam Quackity knows would have built a farm 100 times bigger on an island 100 times bigger. He's beating himself up too much. It wasn't Sam's fault, it was Dream's fault. He was the one to kill Tommy, not Sam. Sam did his job as the Warden, and that was to simply let Tommy visit. What happened inside wasn't his fault and he needs to accept it.
Sam still insists that he could have done something. Quackity agrees. The thing that he could have done was march into the cell and put a sword through Dream's neck. Because this isn't going to be the only isolated event. The only way that Dream will stop is if Sam gets rid of Dream. The only way that Sam can protect future potential victims is if Sam kills him.
Quackity passes a sword to Sam who takes it and weighs his options. Eventually, Sam follows the logic and agrees. The only way to stop Dream is to kill him. With a new pep in his step, Sam opens a hidden vault and grabs all of his Warden gear.
The two hype each other up, heading over to the prison, discussing how right it is to kill Dream. As they get closer, Sam has a revelation that he can just kill Dream, that Dream can't defend himself, that he can just kill him and no one would know. No one would have to know since no one would be able to visit.
They keep hyping each other up, the energy growing more fevered as they start describing more and more gruesome ways that Sam will kill Dream. Quackity is excited, pushing for Sam to do it without thinking about it. This is for Tommy, remember? Dream deserves to die.
Sam lets Quackity into the prison, but before they head into the labyrinth, Sam starts to have some doubts. He can't do this. It's not right. Quackity's frustrated that he lost the momentum, trying to get to Dream himself by flicking the levers on his own.
Sam reiterates that they can't. That's the whole reason why Dream's in the prison anyways. Tommy trusted Sam to keep Dream locked up, and if they kill him, that would be going against Tommy's wishes. Besides, if someone else dies, Dream's the only one that can bring anyone back.
Quackity's yelling. Sam had one job and he fucked it up! He can't even kill the one person who broke the rules. But Sam again expresses that he's not going to go through with it. Neither of them will.
After a brief second, Quackity apologizes for getting a bit ahead of himself. It looks like the two have calmed down. When Sam tries to get Quackity to leave, Quackity walks back up to the front desk.
"It's okay if you don't want to do it, Sam, but at one point or another, someone's gonna have to teach that guy a fucking thing or two. And if it's not you, Sam, it's going to be me."
"Okay, but we can't kill him."
"I understand, Sam. I'll... Just get one thing through your head: Tommy's death was not your fault. It wasn't. It wasn't your fault, Sam. Alright?"
Quackity turns to head out the prison's portal. "Sam, before I leave, you gotta get it together. Las Nevadas will have no place for emotions or for any personal ideas you may have or feelings. If you're going to be my business partner, you gotta do more than this. Understand?"
"Okay, I can do that."
"I'll talk to you soon, Sam." Quackity leaves the prison through the portal as the screen fades to black.
The screen stays dark as Quackity talks to someone unknown. He thanks them for giving him a spot, but that they should keep their conversation a secret.
The stream switches to Quackity standing on the surface above where the Egg is kept. He's going to dig down and take the thing out. He lands in some red brick labyrinth dressed up to look like a nether fortress. Quackity pulls out his stacks of TNT and eventually stumbles his way onto the Egg.
Quackity takes a look around to find the room empty before placing the TNT all around the Egg. He then makes a trail of TNT to the entrance. Suddenly, as Quackity is just about to place a redstone torch, Bad and Punz catch Quackity in the act.
Quackity runs into the labyrinth, warning them to not get closer as Bad and Punz chase him, shouting all the while.
Quackity says that the Egg is getting annoying and he's done with negotiations, he's just going to blow everything up. He tells Bad that they could have done big things together. This Egg is getting in the way of so many things. He's gotta let go of it. The Egg isn't him. He knows Bad. It's not him.
Bad reiterates that Quackity knows how the Egg means to Bad, and if Quackity gets in the way, it's just going to cause more problems. He pleads to not do it. It's not the right way to go about it.
Quackity says he's doing it for Bad's sake. Just as Quackity is about to place the torch, Bad and Punz surround him at sword point. Quackity gets Punz to back off and he and Bad get into another stalemate.
The Egg is useless. Bad needs to leave it, and Quackity's only trying to save him from it. Bad says that he can't allow it because he's getting in the way of Bad's plan.
Bad tries to get Quackity to leave peacefully, but Quackity grins, saying that Bad knows he doesn't like this Egg thing. That Bad was one of Quackity's closest friends before it, and they could do big things together if Bad were to leave. Bad warns Quackity that if he does it, he would bring something even worse down upon them.
Quackity pauses, smiles, and places the redstone torch. "Sorry, Bad!" The line of TNT explodes the red brick labyrinth, all the way into the Egg room.
Quackity wakes up, ears ringing, as the lava hidden in the walls rain down, ignighting everything around it. Disorientated and full of adrenaline, Quackity stumbles his way through the remains of the labyrinth as something that can only be described as an evil distorted voice screams in tongues in his ears before he passes out in a stone tunnel.
Quackity rides his skeleton horse down the SMP's roads to the prison, ready to take Dream out himself, before he's stopped by someone he hasn't seen in a very long time. Down at the entrance to the prison is a confused-looking George.
Excited, Quackity runs up to him, screaming his name. George turns around, equally excited. They hadn't seen each other in ages. To Quackity, George still looks the same. George asks what happened to Quackity's eye, and Quackity realizes that they have a lot to catch up on.
Quackity mentions that he hasn't seen George or Sapnap or Karl in a long time and asks if they've been doing anything interesting. When George shakes his head, Quackity excitedly tells George about Las Nevadas and his casinos, and how he needs to set up a meeting with him, Karl, and Sapnap because they're all going to work and live together in Las Nevadas and rule the economy.
George interrupts and asks about Kinoko Kingdom. What Kinoko Kingdom? Isn't that something that Bad made? Quackity saw the signs, but it doesn't matter. It's so far away, it won't interfere with anyting they're doing.
George asks if he's joking. What about Kinoko Kingdom? It's their country, they can't just leave! Quackity looks around confused. This is the first time he's ever heard of Kinoko Kingdom.
George explains to him that he, Karl, and Sapnap made a country together and that Quackity should know since he was also invited to join. That Karl told him all about it. Quackity gets defensive as he denies that Karl ever told him. George asks again, wondering how he could have forgotten that Karl told him.
Quackity starts getting angry, that they had El Rapids and then they went off and made something else without telling him? George shrugs, saying that it was Karl's idea, and they just started it. Quackity asks how long ago it was, and George says it's been established for a while. He thought Quackity knew. Quackity gets upset, that he already made a plan with Las Nevadas and the casinos, and no one told him. It's been so long since he's talked to anyone, and they've been so difficult to get into contact with, that he just can't beleive that they went and made a whole country without him and didn't tell him.
Is that what they've been up to? Making a whole ass country? George re-extends the invitation, saying that it's still open, but Quackity refueses, saying that it all makes sense now. He asks where the country is, and George doesn't give too helpful of directions. George invites Quackity to see it, and Quackity refuses. He asks if they're not part of El Rapids anymore, and George says that they can't really have dual-citizenships. Besides, El Rapids really wasn't that good, and Kinoko Kingdom is already so much better.
Quackity says that he has to go, and that he'll see George around and extends an invite to Las Nevadas, but to still keep it a secret. He tells George to say hi to Karl and Sapnap for him. Quackity remounts his horse and rides off.
The screen goes dark before a glowing light and peaceful piano music (Mice on Venus) fades back in. There's a backlit shot of Punz's tower in the early morning sun. More buildings make an appearance, but something's off.
Instead of Puffy's Targay, it's Purpled's Walmart. The community house makes an appearance, but it's one of the very early iterations. Tommy's old house, barely a cave dug out in the side of the hill. A wide shot of the SMP, full of hills and trees, and natural landscape as the sun rises over them. Bad's old house. Manifoldland on the edge of L'manberg. Old Spawn with its tall wooden walls.
The camera follows the oak plank prime path revealing a sight for sore eyes. L'manberg, with it's black and yellow walls stood tall and the cameravan barely peeking out. It's still standing. L'manberg is still alive. The camera shows a bit more of old L'manberg before focusing on the sky courtroom. Mice on Venus fades out as audio from the debate cuts in. Everyone's shouting over each other without any one voice being heard.
The camera cuts to black followed by more scenic shots of L'manberg and Quackity talking to someone. He thanks them for meeting up with him, and that he understands things are not easy right now. Things are tense, especially with the elections coming up. Quackity turns and we finally get to see who he's talking to. Wilbur Soot in his L'manberg uniform.
Quackity just wanted to meet to just talk and pick his brain, just to get to know him a bit better. Wilbur sounds a bit bemused, maybe even guarded, but he agrees.
"What has made you do everything you've done up to this point?"
"That's a big question... I guess, protection for my people. I just want to see them thrive."
Quackity is not impressed. He asks if they can talk off the books, just as a person. Forget the elections, the politics, the fact that they're politicians. He wants to talk as a person. Wilbur refuses, the elections in twelve days. But Quackity's persistent. He just wants to know Wilbur better. Wilbur says he'll try.
"Listen, I get it. I get what you're trying to do. I get that you're trying to protect your people, I get that. I know you're trying to save your nation, here, but, you see, Wilbur, here's the thing, I don't hate you. I don't want to affect you. I don't want to overthrow you. None of this is about fighting to me. I think there's just a big difference between you and me, and I think that I like to see the good side of people. I like to think that there's a side of everyone that is willing to work for wanting to see a better future for everyone, and I think that's where you and I are very, very different.
You see, when I got to these lands, and I wanted to join L'manberg, I was told I couldn't. I was told to walk away because I wasn't allowed to join L'manberg. And to me, that was a lack of belonging. And if I have to become president and tear down some walls in order for no one to ever feel unwelcome again, so be it. I do believe that everyone has a good side to them, and I do believe that everyone has something to contribute to the nation."
"Your aspirations of optimism are not going to be subject to my nation's security, I'm afraid. I completely disagree with everything you just said."
Quackity's a bit taken aback. "I mean, agree to disagree, but that's not what I'm talking about-"
"You say everyone has a good side, Quackity, and you're right! You're right! Everyone has a good side. But that good side is only there to help themselves. If you want to really help people, you're gonna need power, Quackity. You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, right, you can go out, and you can come back, and they'll give you a ticker tape parade. They'll cheer for you in the streets, but you will change nothing. If you have a revolution, everyone will hate you. You will sacrifice everything, and you will lose everything you've ever had. But you'll come back, and everything will be changed. And Quackity, if you wanna change things, you're gonna need power. That's what you want, really, isn't it? Look at me.
And power isn't gained from diplomacy, and bureaucracy, and giant courthouses suspended in the sky, blah blah blah. It's gained from swords, Quackity. It's gained from blades, it's gained from steel, iron. Even if everyone has this good side that you're talking about, then anyone who wants to prove it has to show their dark side first. You're going to have to kill, you're going to have to torture, you're going to have to maim. When I look at you, as a fellow outsider, you're not ready for that. I'm leaving.”
Throughout Wilbur's speech, images from both Wilbur's and Quackity's past play. The creation of the Butcher Army. The fight the Army had with Technoblade. Techno standing in front of the stage at his execution. Wilbur walking down the stone hallway to the button room. Him pushing the button and saluting to Phil as everything explodes behind him. Seeing the destruction in L'manberg that he caused. As Wilbur continues to rave, scenes from Quackity's present play out. The entrance to the prison. Visiting Dream as he cowers in the corner. A closeup of his axe. The sun starts to set on the two and Wilbur heads back to his country.
The music ramps up as more scenes from Quackity's past play out. Schlatt yelling at Quackity as he tears down the White House. Dream threatening Quackity the night of Eret's rethronement. Dream attacking them in El Rapids during the El Rapids protests. Finding Techno in the Final Control Room after defeating death at his execution. Dream threatening Quackity directly.
Quackity sits on that hill until the sun sets and the moon rises before heading off into the forest below. The screen fades to black with the music.
Uneasy yet somber violin music starts playing as the scene opens to a rainy shot of the shrine left behind by Eret and Phils' attempts at ressurecting Ghostbur. Quackity sits on his skeleton horse, looking at the shrine, before opening up a book to write, "My dearest friend, Wilbur... You were right all along. And I won't make the same mistakes twice."
Quackity dismounts and places the book titled "Project Nevadas" into a chest labeled "For Wilbur" before getting back onto his horse and riding off into the rain. The somber music continues as Quackity changes into a black robe and emergency sirens play in the background. The stream fades to black.
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