Season Three: The Day Dream Dies

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Ranboo's stream

Now that Ranboo has officially met Wilbur, he decides that he doesn't like him. But there's someone else who needs to hear the news. He goes to Techno and Phil's house, finding Phil at home. Ranboo tries to let Phil know, jumping around the question when Phil presses, but he doesn't get into it until Phil is sitting down.

He asks Phil if he knew what Tommy's plan was. When Phil shakes his head, Ranboo tells him that Tommy was planning on killing Dream. But the plan went south. Ghostbur was caught in the crossfire.

"Ghostbur is gone.

"What do you mean he's gone? He's a ghost!"

It's not easy, but Ranboo explains that Ghostbur is gone. That Wilbur is back. He's been resurrected, and he's been gone for thirteen and a half years his time.

Philza, who was bursting with questions about his son, falls quiet. He says that Wilbur definitely wouldn't be the same person after thirteen and a half years. He says he has a lot to think about, and Ranboo sees himself out.

A drawing of Phil perched like a bird on the back of a chair. His hands rest on a cane that is propped up via the seat, and he looks to the camera with a haunting look, one with completely white, disbelieving eyes. We can see the burned remnants of his wings resting limply on his back. Behind him, the wooden walls are burning away, revealing the starry night sky. Smoke fills the corners of the drawing. Above Phil, hanging on the wall, is a separate portrait of Wilbur with completely red eyes. It, too, is burning. Art by @lanesandsparks on tumblr

Ranboo goes to meet with the enderman council; this time, they're found in the bottom of a pit near L'manberg. He asks them to keep an eye on his friends and on Wilbur. The meeting is short and to-the-point, and Ranboo heads off for home, expressing how wonderful it is that he can speak enderman now because of his experiments. He builds a mailbox near his mine so the endermen can leave letters about what they see.

Phil's stream Fundy's stream

May 3rd, 2021

Phil wants to find Wilbur, to see if he's actually alive and back. On the way there, he runs into Fundy, and the two head over to the L'manberg crater. Phil tells Fundy about Wilbur's return, that Dream revived him when Tommy went to kill Dream.

"Initially, I was happy, but then, instantly -- cause he's my son, Fundy, I can't--"

"He is my father!"

After a brief moment, Fundy tells Phil about his nightmares and how he wants them to be over. Phil says that he would like to help, but it sounds like he can't.

Phil tells Fundy that Wilbur used to write him letters about what was going on in the SMP. In one of the final letters, Wilbur mentioned starting a new nation, Pogtopia. Maybe Wilbur is there now?

They head over to Pogtopia and find is as abandoned as ever.

They head back to the crater. Phil tells Fundy more about the letters. Wilbur had won the election but didn't want to stick around, so he gave his presidency to Tubbo. He then left to form Pogtopia with Tommy because he loved the work of starting countries from scratch. There is some distaste in Phil's voice as he talks about Tubbo's presidency. It's corrupt to the bone.

Despite Fundy being present for all of these events, his memory is a bit fuzzy, and it takes a bit to realize that Wilbur lied in all of his letters. Fundy asks about Schlatt. Phil doesn't know who that is, only that people refer to him as dead. When Fundy asks about the Manburg Festival, Phil thinks that's when he showed up to stop Wilbur from blowing up L'manberg. Fundy clarifies that no, that's when Tubbo was executed for being a traitor by Techno.

Phil didn't know that Tubbo was executed.

Fundy wonders where the letters are now. Phil says they're very far away, and he doesn't know enough about the history of the SMP to realize when Wilbur started lying.

The two start walking toward the Community House. Why would Dream even want to revive Wilbur? Phil is concerned that Dream only wants to use Wilbur, as that's what Dream does. He uses you for personal gain, whether you recognize it or not. Phil's eyesight lingers on the obsidian lattice over L'manberg on the horizon. Besides, Wilbur more than likely has changed as a person after all that time he spent by himself.

The two part ways.

Fundy blows up his base in hopes that it will stop the nightmares once and for all.

"What if he's not, you know, the same... dad that used to care about me? The same person that raised me on the grounds of L'manberg when it still stood mighty and glorious?"

A drawing of Fundy, Wilbur, and Philza, linked by their motif of blowing things up. Phil stands at the top of the drawing, his hat pulled over his face so we can't see it. Behind him, we can make out the dark shape of the L'manberg obsidian lattice. From it, sticks of dynamite rain down through Wilbur's fingers. Wilbur stands in the center, underneath Phil, in his Pogtopia coat but sporting a white lock of hair. His arms are open wide, almost embracing the falling dynamite. At the bottom of the drawing, underneath the other two, stands Fundy. He looks fearful as he pulls back an arrow in his bow to fire into the blocks of TNT that surround him.Art by @mikenlos on twitter

Reddit link

On a Reddit post, Wilbur confirmed that Ghostbur went on to live in Wilbur's limbo, alone, in the train station where every once in a while, the display board would show the member's reactions to finding Wilbur alive until people eventually forgot about Ghostbur.

This is regarded as canon in the fandom and also a dick move.