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Night Before Dawn - Derivakat
Wilbur and Tommy form Pogtopia, a hidden city built in an underground ravine outside L’manburg, in order to plot to overthrow Schlatt and reclaim the city. Its narrow stone walls are supported with precarious wooden bridges and stairs. Small rooms offshoot from the main walkway at the bottom. It connects to the dirt room that Wilbur and Tommy originally dug the first day of exile. There is a strip of wood that connects directly to the Prime Path, one of the only remnants of home. Tommy changes out of his L'manburg uniform during this time and back into his casual wear.
Techno, in the meantime, doesn't fully trust Pogtopia, so he builds a secret base under a nearby lake with a hidden entrance under the water.
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In the meantime, despite initially agreeing to run the country as co-leaders, Schlatt takes the President role and Quackity the Vice President. Schlatt has also renamed the city to Manburg.
Manberg continues to grow larger. Multiple houses spring up. A wooden Tudor-style docking area is built. The open area in front of the stage is turned into a downtown of sorts and businesses ring the open marketplace now that Manberg has room to expand.
Citizens are not happy with how Schlatt is running the country, and Niki is vehemently against Schlatt's ruling. Because Niki's speaking out against him so much, Schlatt punishes her with a pink tax as she's the only woman in the country.
Tubbo is miserable in the city and regularly sneaks out to Pogtopia to visit Wilbur and Tommy. He is soon enlisted by Wilbur and Tommy to spy on Schlatt and Quackity.
Fundy has defected from L’manburg loyalty and his father to follow Schlatt since he was tired of how Wilbur never took him seriously. Fundy burns the original L’manburg flag, witnessed by Niki and Eret, and replaces it with the Manburg one (red/purple) before deciding on the final design (black).
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It's implied that Schlatt and Quackity are dating, or at least seeing each other exclusively, but it's unsure if Quackity is only using the relationship to gain some sort of power back from Schlatt. Most of their interactions start off sweet but devolve and escalate into insulting each other.
Niki isn't getting anywhere with her rebellion from inside the country, so she goes to Eret for help. Eret gives her as many resources as he can spare and asks Dream to send more. Niki goes to ask Quackity to help with the rebellion from the inside out, since she knows he's not happy getting stuck as Vice President when his votes were used to put Schlatt into power. Quackity doesn't agree, but he helps Niki escape when Schlatt realizes she's talking to Quackity.
Eret, in the meantime, burns down the stage in Manburg. Niki recruits Tubbo instead. Tubbo, already being a spy for Pogtopia, doesn't want to push his luck and only tells her about a bunker he had dug out during the revolution days. Niki and Eret make that their headquarters for their revolution, storing TNT there for later use.
Schlatt announces, on the now burnt stage, that he's going to be holding a festival to celebrate democracy in Manburg. Everyone on the server is invited, except for Wilbur and Tommy.
Schlatt delegates Fundy to rebuild the stage and Tubbo to decorate the town for the festival.
Tommy watches Schlatt's announcement from above and draws a bow back to shoot him. However, Wilbur shows up and stops Tommy. Wilbur marches Tommy back to Pogtopia.
“Are we the bad guys?... Then let’s be the bad guys.” - Wilbur, donning a dark trench coat
Wilbur comes to the conclusion that they’re the bad guys since they’re overthrowing a democratically-elected office. He decides that the whole city needs to be destroyed since it will never be the same. If people are hurt in the cross-fire, so be it. He's going to place a ton of TNT around and under Manburg and then blow it up during the Festival right after Tubbo's speech.
Wilbur meets with Tubbo to ask him to add a particular phrase to his speech, "Let the festival begin." That will be Wilbur's que to run and hit the button. By the time he reaches it, Tubbo should be off the stage and out of range. Wilbur leaves before he can explain the whole thing to Tubbo.
Tommy stumbles across Wilbur and Dream making a deal later. Due to the treaty Dream signed, he can't directly wipe Manburg off the map, but he'd like to. Wilbur offers himself as a vessal for Dream to make that happen. Dream supplies Wilbur with the TNT needed to obliterate Manburg. Tommy tries to stop them, but Dream tells Tommy to not interfere or else.
"Tommy, when I said you're never gonna be president, that wasn't a challenge...That's true. - Wilbur
Wilbur tells Techno about his plan, and Techno is all for it. He also wants Manburg gone, just in a different way than Dream. He wants there to be no government at all. Manburg itself can exist, just not the government. And if Wilbur's method of blowing it all up achieves that end, then he's all for it.
Meanwhile, in Manburg, Schlatt and Quackity are not getting along at all. There are more insults flung, and more conversations end in shouting matches and arguments. Quackity contemplates leaving, but he stays for now.
Betray Somebody - Song by oh no he's here, animatic by double0doodles
In a dubiously canon stream, Tubbo and Fundy find Dream acting funny. Due to Tubbo's background, he recognizes that Dream is possessed by a dreamon, a demonic entity that causes chaos. They recruit Sapnap later on to help exorcise the dreamon from Dream. An entity named Dream XD splits off from Dream, torments the Dreamon Hunters a bit, then flies away.
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