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September 3rd, 2020
With L'manberg's existence secure, Wilbur declares himself president. However, his citizens don't listen to him or recognize his power. So he decides to hold an election, a very secret one. By keeping the election secret, there will only be one party in the running, Wilbur's party, and no one to run against. Once the election is announced, it will be far too late to add any other parties to the ballot, and so, Wilbur will win by default. Then his citizens will have to recognize his presidency. Wilbur asks Tommy to be his running mate and future Vice President.
However, Quackity finds out what Wilbur is up to when he slips up in conversation. Concerned that Wilbur doesn't want to and won't uphold democracy in his own country, Quackity announces that he'll run against Wilbur for the presidency of L'manberg. With the two options of letting Quackity run or face public outcry, Wilbur reluctantly lets Quackity run. By caveat alone, Quackity is able to run because he isn't American.
Quackity announces that he's running with George as his Vice President under the name So We Are Gamers, or SWAG2020. Wilbur and Tommy come up with the name Politicians of Gaming, or POG2020.
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Tommy puts up signs across the server that take Quackity's tweets out of context. Quackity accuses Wilbur of writing a smear campaign and challenges POG2020 to a debate.
The debate was held in the sky courthouse and both Karl and Tubbo (albiet briefly) moderated it.
Quackity's stance was that L'manberg should not have walls and should allow anyone and everyone inside. George agrees and says that their party only wants peace while POG2020 has been in a constant state of war since its inception.
Wilbur refutes these statements, saying that L'manberg was built as a safe-haven from Dream and his companions. Tommy says that they should be able to keep specific people out because they fought tooth and nail for it.
Throughout the debate, it's revealed that Tommy bribed Karl the judge not just once, but ten seperate times. Quackity uses this to say that POG2020 is corrupt. First, running a secret election and then bribery to win. In a dramatic turn of events, it turns out that the books that Tommy wrote the money amounts in were signed by Dream, which allows Wilbur to claim that SWAG2020 is endorsed by Dream himself, L'manberg's oppressor.
The debate ends with no clear winner. Wilbur insists he's up for a second debate, just not with such biased people running the show.
Wilbur's streamAt this point, L'manberg has expanded to the point where the walls cannot contain the country anymore. Just outside the walls, they build a town square with various businesses cropping up around it. At the head of the square is a stage with a podium and a microphone. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo build a White House just behind the podium. In the marketplace, there are benches for the audience to sit and listen.
They meet for the second debate. This time, Wilbur's hosting it in L'manberg. It really won't be a debate, just a re-iteration of their main points, but Wilbur also wants each party to have endorsements from other popular content creators.
As Wilbur's setting up, Fundy and Niki decide they want to run as well under the name Coconut2020. Wilbur doesn't think they should and makes fun of Fundy for it, but at Fundy's insistence, he puts them on the ballot. They promise ice cream and cookies to those who vote for them. They don't have any other points or endorsements.
Quackity, without George (who slept in), restates his points that L'manberg should be welcoming to everyone and that he was fighting the corruption Wilbur was trying to instill. His endorsement is from popular creator KSI.
Tommy restates SWAG2020's points that L'manberg stands as a fight against oppression and a place to be free from tyranny. His endorsement is from Vikkstar, another popular content creator.
Wilbur announces that SWAG2020 has another endorsement: J Schlatt.
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Schlatt appears on the L'manberg stage, looking disoriented and coughing a lot. In his confusion, he ends up delcaring himself a party of his own instead of endorsing POG2020. Schlatt2020 enters the ring.
Wilbur is concerned that he won't be able to win. In a desperate attempt to guarentee victory now that there's four different parties running, he asks Quackity if they could pool their votes together, but only if Schlatt or Coconut wins.
Quackity doesn't like how the pooling is conditional and refuses Wilbur's proposal.
Tommy's streamThe ballot gets sent out via Twitter on Google Forms. There were over 250,000 votes cast.
Coconut2020 has the most votes. However, a large percentage of those votes were from the same IP address (meaning voter fraud). It's largely implied that Fundy was the one to rig the vote; however, we don't know for sure. The fraudulent votes are cast out and the election is recounted.
The results are in:
However, as Tommy celebrates, Wilbur has one last word to say. Quackity and Schlatt would pool their votes together no matter what happened, forming the party of Schlatt and Quackity as co-presidents. Thus, Schlatt and Quackity combined recieved 46% of the vote. They win by 1%, causing Tommy distress and Schlatt to laugh while taking the podium.
"My first order of decree as president, as EMPEROR of our great country, is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit.” - Schlatt, during his inaguration speech
Tommy and Wilbur are exiled from L’manburg, forcibly chased out after Schlatt's decree. Because they're not on good terms with Dream, they can't join the greater SMP. They are forced to live in the woods by themselves.
Wilbur loses his second life from an arrow to the shoulder as he flees L'manberg.
Tubbo stays behind as Schlatt's Secretary of State and proclaimed right-hand man.
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Wilbur and Tommy dig a hole into the side of a hill with nothing to their name.
While in the woods, the hear Schlatt make a second decree: to tear down the walls of L'manberg. Wilbur and Tommy watch from a distance as Fundy, Wilbur's own son, tears down the walls.
"L'manberg, my unfinished symphony!" - Wilbur
Wilbur realizes that he won the popular vote and that his citizens still want him in power. They're going to overthrow Schlatt and Quackity, but they need manpower. He recruits Technoblade and sends Tommy off in the rain to collect him before Schlatt finds him.
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Tommy's stream | Wilbur's stream | Quackity's stream |
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