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March 17th - 21st
Quackity announces on twitter that he's creating a new server starting March 22nd with a very ominous tone. Essentially, there is a perfect island, Quesadilla Island, that the players have been invited to. However, unease still lingers in the air as the video continues, showing two trains sat above the ocean, waiting for their passengers. Some of the passengers express annoyance (in both English and in Spanish), hinting at who would be invited to the server.
Over the next few days, eight English-speaking streamers and eight Spanish-speaking streamers would be announced either via a travel poster for QSMP on Twitter or by playing an escape room in Minecraft that looked like their IRL setup in order to get their Quesadilla Island train ticket.

The original goal for Quackity was to unite the two sides of his career thus far, his English-speaking friends and audience, and his Spanish-speaking friends and audience. In total, the sixteen creators, with their own ticket, would join the server to a brand new world.
Note: for reference, any mentioned connection between streamers is strictly RP-only on the server, not based on the IRL streamer!
- Created the server
- Streams in both English and Spanish
- Mexican streamer
- Known for Dream SMP, Karmaland V, and trolling children's MMOs
- Associated with ducks, as his avatar from his trolling days was the duck from Toontown
- Tries his hardest, but usually fails whatever plot he's trying
- Train ticket #40
Art by @wolfhotels on tumblr

Wilbur Soot
- Streams in English
- British streamer
- Known for Dream SMP, SMP Earth, being the lead singer in LoveJoy, among other Minecraft events
- Note: Wilbur will still be written as a character despite recent events as this serves acts as an archive of sorts. If you want to learn more, click here.
- Friends with Phil
- Train ticket #30
Art by quinnonimp on Tumblr

Fit (FitMC)
- Streams in English
- American streamer
- Known for his history of oldest anarchy server, 2b2t
- Has a metal prosthetic arm
- Classic strong tough guy who's learning how to live a bit softer, as his previous home was the terrible 2b2t
- Friends with Phil
- Train ticket #27
Art by @untowardgloom on tumblr
Art by @sp4mja on tumblr

Philza (Phil, Philza Minecraft)
- Streams in English
- British streamer
- Known for Dream SMP, Minecraft hardcore series, among other Minecraft events
- His skin is based off Urahara from Bleach
- His chat is headcannoned as crows, and he has a crow theme going
- Also known as the Angel of Death from his time on a server called SMPEarth which also ties back into the crow theme
- Friends with Wilbur and Fit
- Train ticket #25
Art by @orbiiance on Tumblr

- Streams in Spanish
- Spanish streamer
- Known for Karmaland as well as being a popular Spanish youtuber
- Very chill, but doesn't mind creating chaos if he can walk away clean at the end of it
- Friends with Quackity
- Train ticket #31

- Streams in Spanish
- Spanish streamer
- Known for Karmaland as well as being an extremely popular Spanish youtuber and streamer
- Rubius did not get a train ticket because he does not play as himself on the server

Mariana (ElMariana)
- Streams in Spanish
- Mexican streamer
- Known for being one of the biggest Spanish-speaking content creators on TikTok and for making challenge videos
- His skin is based off One-Punch-Man
- Friends with Roier, Spreen, and Missa
- Train ticket #35

Jaiden (JaidenAnimations)
- Streams in English
- American streamer
- Known for her animated storytime videos online
- Has birds irl and is often headcanoned as being a bird herself, like a parrot or bluebird
- V-tuber
- Train ticket #29
Art by @croudjay on Tumblr

Spreen (ElSpreen)
- Streams in Spanish
- Argentinian streamer
- Known for making content on 2b2t as well as other Minecraft events and servers
- Missa's (RP) brother
- Friends with Roier, Mariana, and Missa
- Train ticket #34
Art by @cyani07 on tumblr

Bad (BadBoyHalo, BadBoy, BBH)
Streams in English
American streamer
Known for the Dream SMP as well as other Minecraft servers and events
Associated with muffins and Skeppy, another Minecraft youtuber. He tries to be as family friendly as possible, hating swearing.
Friends with Foolish
Train ticket #26

Missa (MissaSinfonia)
Streams in Spanish
Mexican streamer
Known for his song writing and music skills, as well as making comedy sketches on youtube
His skin is based off Skeletor from the Heman cartoon
Spreen's (RP) brother
Can be very bold and always follows through with his promises and threats, but his misfortune and bad luck often waters him down in the fandom to a sad wet cat
Friends with Roier, Spreen, and Mariana
Train ticket #36
Art by @zolovana on tumblr

Foolish (FoolishGamers)
Streams in English
American streamer
Known for the Dream SMP
Half totem of undying, half shark, all Chaos with a capital C
Friends with Bad
Train ticket #39

Streams in Spanish
Mexican streamer
Known for Chafaland among other Minecraft events and servers
Associated with Spiderman (his skin wears a Spiderman hoodie)
Has personas that he sometimes breaks out, like Melissa, a stripper, or Doied, a nerd
Friends with Mariana, Spreen, and Missa
Train ticket #37
Art by @demonicblu3 on Tumblr

Streams in English
British streamer
Known for being one of the original English Minecraft youtubers and content creators
Train ticket #33

Vegetta (Vegetta777)
Streams in Spanish
Known for Karmaland as well as being an original Spanish Minecraft creator
Skin is based off Vegetta from Dragon Ball
Loves to cause chaos whenever he can
Train ticket #38

Slime (Slimecicle, Charlie)
Streams in English
American streamer
Known for the Dream SMP as well as his RPG series, Just Roll With It, and podcast, Chuckle Sandwich
Train ticket #28

Maximus (Max, Maxo, AgenteMaxo)
Streams in Spanish
Spanish streamer
Known for Karmaland and GTA roleplaying
Note: all of Maxo's promotional material is actually the character he plays in Karmaland, Sapo Peta, which is why they look so drastically different.
Train ticket #32

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