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September 10th, 2023, Day 172
Forever starts his stream like normal; however, there's quite a lot about him that's just off. He's wearing white, and even a bit dressed up for once. He's clean-shaven, and is sporting a fresh smile. He logs into the server and we see that Forever has changed his suit into a clean white one and also has a wide smile.
As Forever goes about his day, he insists that it's the best day ever, that the day is perfect. Absolutely perfect. He goes to work on the buildings on the Copacobana Beach as Pac, Antoine, Pierre, and Cellbit check up on him. All three of them are put off by his display of nothing's wrong, especially when he looked like a wreck just days before. Forever continues to brush them off, listening to bossa nova and 50's American hits. He even suggests that Pac go see Cucurucho himself since he fixed him right up, and Forever knows that Pac is going through it right now.
However, as the day goes on, there's a small ticking that appears in the background of the stream. Forever doesn't acknowledge it at first, until it gets to be so annoying that he brings it up to Pierre and Cellbit, asking if they hear it as well. They don't, and Forever quickly skirts past it.
Later on, Forever mentions that Richas would love to see what Forever has been doing on the beach. He goes to show him a photo of his buildings. In Forever's base, behind a remote-controlled wall, is a dark hallway. At the very end is a plastic, pristine house, the Moon House Forever promised Richas that he'd build for him. He enters the room, clearly excited and happy to see his son, to find a red Egg bed inside the small cottage. It's full. There's someone sleeping there. When Forever's excited yelling doesn't wake Richas up, Forever leaves the photo in the bedside table and leaves.
He later meets with Pac, Celbit, Antoine, and Bad in Cellbit's castle where they try to further interrogate Forever and see what's going on, especially when they see his briefcase that Forever refuses to set down.
In the meantime, Cellbit gets contacted by a dark-robed man, literally Hombre Misterioso, who tells him to investigate what's going on. After a bit of poking a prodding around Forever's base, he finds the Moon House and places a hidden warpstone to get back to later.
Cucurucho later meets with Forever in his Presidential Office, then Cucurucho's office, then Casualonas when Cellbit tries to spy on them. Cucurucho hands him more pills, labeled Risus Potion, to make sure he has enough, alongwith a gun, a magazine for the gun, and a gun liscence. As they leave, they continue to have a conversation while Cellbit spies in the background. Forever asks Cucurucho for Egg Tasks to do since there are none anymore, and Cucurucho gives Forever a book with some manually written.
Forever prepares the items and heads back inside the Moon House. As he rounds the bed, we can finally see who is sleeping. It's a grey mass, a spoiled egg, a pile of rocks, something that is obviously not Richas. Forever doesn't seem to see what we see, continuing to talk to the mass like it's his real, sleeping son. He throws some food onto the figure, takes a picture of the sunset, and heads back to sing Richas a lullaby. Forever starts crying. He's not going to bring anyone to see him, he's scared to. He starts to tell Richas a story about a father and son who grew very close.
Despite this, Cellbit finds a way inside and forces his way in. They argue, Cellbit trying to make Forever see what's going on, and breaking the fake Richas's bed. Cellbit says that he's going to put a stop to whatever the Federation is doing to him and leaves.
Translation courtesy of @CellbitENG on twitter🖇️ Cellbit and Forever's argument with subtitles. Truly a perfect day.
— Cellbit English Updates 🎄 (@CellbitENG) September 11, 2023
Forever puts the bed back and sings Richas a song that means a lot to him (the cc Forever, to the point where when he tried to sing it to Tallulah, he got so choked up, he couldn't continue). Despite tears, he pushes through and wishes Richas a good night, leaving him in peace.
A theory looking into Forever's specific stylistic choices:Tumblr post by motoristadameianoite
Badboyhalo 2nd Grief stream - Anger
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