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September 11th, 2023, Day 173
Phil learns about what happened to the eggs, logging in and thinking at first that it's a joke, that the beds are empty as a prank. He desperately starts to search the house for any other signs of his eggs before finding a chest that Tallulah must have left him over the week he was away.
"Sorry for not giving you a proper gn, but its not too late to give you a warm welcome. Love ya - Tallulah"
Phil opens it up to find a book from Tallulah inside To Papa Phil, another book from Tallulah labeled Welcome back, a poppy, a canvas drawing, rainbow jelly, and rainbow glass. Phil takes the poppy and holds it, crying a bit, as he reads the letters.
Welcome back
September 1st, 2023
Papa Phil,
For some reason, this is one of the most difficult letters I've written so far (and probably the shortest one too).
After going to bed, I realized that if something bad happened to me, you will have this image of us not being in good terms. I'm sorry.
It's tough. Reality is tough.
But I have to deal with it. Not everything can be solved... and that's ok, it is a part of learning.
Thank you once again for listening to me, and guiding me through the healing process. You don't even have to, yet you stayed.
I know you and Chayanne were looking for this, and after organizing my inventory, I noticed I have these. They're not a lot... but might ease the search for them.
The canvas... I didn't even know I had it (I thought Richarlyson burnt it) so feel free to keep it or burn it too.
Welcome back
Phil places the canvas on the wall above his storage backpacks.
Phil opens up the second book.
To Papa Phil
September 3rd, 2023
Papa Phil,
After our conversation on Friday, I just couldn't stop thinking if that would be our last one.
And of course, I had to ruin it.
I miss you already.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if this will be the last thing you have from me. I'm sorry I couldn't hear your advices. I'm sorry I had to break apart again and that we had a bittersweet conversation.
If this is the last time we indirectly talk with each other, I rather you take this as a goodbye letter instead of the one I left you a while ago (although you are free to read that one as well, toss it, or keep it), but I will ask you something.
Please don't cry, grieve, or feel like you weren't enough for me or Chayanne... because you were even more than that.
You considered me as your own since the first days, nutured me, and made sure I felt loved when I just didn't feel enough for.
I wonder if I fulfilled my purpose of giving love to those in the island that needed it the most.
I hope I made you proud, and I hope Papi Wil is too.
I will always treasure the adventures we had together, your bedtime stories, having to wake up at 2am just to hang out, and just the many life lessons I've learned from you these past months. Having our nest and stargaze, connect with each other, be for each other.
I know my papa did the right decision to leave me with you, since you are the kindest person out there, a great mentor, not only for be but also Chayanne, and the rest of Quesadilla Island.
If I'm no longer here, be strong, and don't break like I did.
Is the worst feeling in the world, and I wouldn't want anyone else to experience it too.
Please continue building the garden near my house. I know you wanted both of us to finish it. But if that's not doable, do it for me.
I also gave a while ago to Tio Bad a letter to give to my papi in case something happened to me and I'm no longer here when he comes back.
Politely ask for it back and give him the one on the backpack I wrote for him called "Dear Papi", as well as the stuff I left behind.
Oh the nerd, how I miss him...
I hope I made him proud.
If I am alive at this point, just smack me in the head for being melodramatic and call it a day (you know me already).
If I'm gone, find me in the amapolas, in the turtles, and the fields of jacaranda and mahogany trees.
Give my papi the biggest hug ever when he comes back, that his nina grew stronger like he asked for and that always had hope for his comeback.
Remind him to keep his promise of passing the light I gave him into the hearts of those we love and care for.
This is not a goodbye, but a see you later.
I love you, papa.
Phil then collects himself, heads off to find any sign of his kids, can't find them, and meets with Fit and Tubbo to go over what happened whil Phil was gone. The eggs disappeared, got dirty, disappeared for real. Someone stole all of the furniture, someone stole all of the waystones. Someone broke Forever's voting booth. A lot has happened.
ClipThey go to the Presidential office and decide to lavacast it to teach the Federation a lesson, Fit and Phil dresssing in balaclavas so that the Federation can't see exactly who did it, Tubbo not caring.
Phil leaves one of Tallulahs signs reading "A cage for a cage :)" and a book reading "WE WANT ANSWERS. WE WANT OUR CHILDREN BACK. WE KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. STOP THE GAMES. YOU HAVE UNTIL THE END OF THIS WEEK."
Forever joins the server again, just as happy and peachy as ever. Phil immediately clocks that this is not Forever being weird, this is something that the Federation is doing to him. He tries to ask Forever about what's going on, but Forever just keeps shutting him down and avoiding the question. Pretty soon, Forever gives Phil a tour of his base, even showing Phil the sleeping Richas. Phil doesn't know what to say. There is something seriously wrong with Forever, but how can he help? What did the Federation do to him?
As Forever continues his tour, he asks Phil to turn off that ticking noise. When Phil gets confused, that he doesn't have anything that would make a noise like that, Forever gets angry and turns on Phil, pulling his gun out and demanding that Phil stop the ticking. Again, Phil doesn't have anything that would make a sound like that. Forever realizes his mistake and pulls out his briefcase, putting in the code, and taking some of the pills. Phil sees him do it, and tries to get Forever to show him the pills or hand over the briefcase. Eventually, Forever gets tired of the asking and gives Phil a fake briefcase instead to hold. Phil tries to see how long the medicine lasts, but when they've ran out of tour and Phil asks too many invasive questions, refusing to give back the briefcase, Forever kicks him out.
Fit and Tubbo come across Pac, whose been weirdly keeping to himself this morning. Upon closer investigation, they find that he's decked out in a white version of his usual hoodie and pants, also sporting an unnerving smile.
Fit and Tubbo try to talk him out of it, but he's already gone. He already took them. He was so sad, with Mike being kidnapped and Richas gone, everyone had left him. He had no energy left. But no more poking or prodding can get anymore information out of him.
Later on, Pac regains some clarity. He leaves a note to Cellbit in a chest at Isla Chume. It reads (translated by @thesmpisonfire on tumblr):
I'm decisive on making a cure to this terrible curse that haunts Forever.
I'll fall to the tentantions of the pills to submit myself to the same treatment that he went through, so I'll know what's going on with this "medicine". I hope I can keep part of my sanity so I can create a cure even if under the effects of the pills.
In case this is not possible, I'll at least give you the meds so you can keep the investigation going!
If the cure doesn't work and the pills take over my mind, I ask you one thing: lock me up so I won't hurt anyone and tell my plans to the others.
I'm confident that we can make it out of this, I trust you, Cellbit!
Favela 5 until the end!
- pactw
Pac also writes a letter to himself (translated by @ghlitchbee on tumblr):
"Pac it's me, you. Don't forget the things that brought you here, remember Forever, Mike, Richas and Walter Bob
Try to contain The Juice's™ temptations
If everything goes wrong, at least deliver the letter to Cellbit!
Remember Favela 5 and why they're so important to you.
It's gonna be alright, you'll find a way
—Past Pac"
Tubbo shows Phil where Mike was kidnapped, the tower outside the forest where they had rescued the new members in ice. The maze is still there. The bunker is still there. But everything's slightly off. Tubbo and Phil end up entering the bunker and exploring around a bit. They find German's dead body with a book on it listing all the things they needed during their puzzle while trapped in the prison. Tubbo realizes that he's never really told anyone what happened while they were in the prison before they got stuck in ice. He tries, but he doesn't have enough details to give Phil. They poke around a bit more before getting too spooked and running away once they hear footsteps in the empty building. On the way out, they find Richas's eagle. Phil traps it in a cage and takes it with him.
Forever is happy on the medicine. So happy in fact, that he wants to make his life happier. He takes Bad down to the garden and asks for his hand in marriage. Bad refuses, and in anger, Forever shoots landmines everywhere, exploding both him and Bad. "It won't bring Richarlyson back."
Forever goes to sleep in the Moon House next to Richas and has a nightmare. He's sleeping in the Moon House in his grey tattered suit. He looks worse for wear. Vie en Rose plays in the background as he walks down the hallway to the rest of his base. The screen glitches and Forever is seen placing slime blocks in a machine. The screen glitches a few more times, giving the message, "I will end everything" before Forever is seen holding TNT in both hands. The dream ends with a blaring alarm clock.
Bad has his third grief stream - bargaining. Add notes later
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