Season Two: Exile

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Tubbo and Ranboo sit in L'manberg and watch the sunset together, talking about the current state of affairs in L'manberg now that Tommy's gone. Tubbo misses Tommy, but it had to be done. He'd like to go visit him, but he's just too busy in the office to properly say hello. He mentions that he never wanted to be president, yet here he was, running a nation the best he could and making decisions that he didn't like but were best for the nation.

They reflect on how things have changed around them, how they've changed since L'manberg's founding, and what will happen next. Tubbo tells Ranboo that when the next presidential election rolls around on Feb 2nd, Ranboo will win. And he'll be capable of great change, he's sure of it.

The New L'manberg cabinet, minus Tommy of course and including Ranboo as the minutesman, meet to discuss what to do next for their nation, now that Tommy's not there anymore. Quackity suggests dealing with public enemy No. 1, Technoblade. At the sound of approval, he leads everyone to a sort of bunker in a cave near L'manberg.

Inside is a giant table in the center like a table a commander would have laid out for visualizing the battlefield. Around the walls are posters put up with bloodied and dismembered pigs crossed out in red X's. They create the Butcher Army, a secret military unit to take out Technoblade and make him atone for his crimes. They change their skins to reflect this, and vow to take out Techno with axes should he ever cross their path before they're done planning.

This is Quackity's Butcher Army skin. His outfit remains the same, but now he wears a white apron over his blue tracksuit. It's stained with different splotches of red. This is a screenshot taken from Quackity's stream. It shows Tubbo and Fundy, each in their Butcher Army outfits, white aprons over their normal clothes which have been stained with red splotches. Both Tubbo's and Fundy's hands are also stained red. They stand in the Butcher Army war room. Paintings in the background depict pigs crossed out with red X's and black X's drawn over their eyes.

Notably, Ranboo doesn't agree with what the Butcher Army is doing and wants to stay out of it as much as he can. But, he's going along with them for now.

Ghostbur shows up and gives Tubbo his Your Tommy compass and explains the meaning behind it. Tubbo loves it and thinks it's a wonderful idea, especially because he doesn't quite know where Dream took Tommy. However, Tubbo (noncannonically) dies to an accidental creeper and loses his Your Tommy compass in the explosion.

At the same time, Bad is cleaning out a cave beneath his house when he finds a small red egg growing in the corner. Despite what the other members of the Badlands say, Bad decides to keep the egg for the time being.

Soon, the egg sprouts red vines that grow across the floor and up the walls. Again, Bad thinks nothing of it and wants the egg to keep growing, curious as to what's inside.

A screenshot from Sam's stream. He's in the underground stone cavern underneath Bad's house, looking at the egg. It's made from blocks found in the crimson forest biome in the nether and looks to be about twice the height of the players. Various red tendrils snake across the floor and up the walls that are made out of more crimson forest blocks, redstone, red concrete powder, and other various red blocks. Shroomlights are also interspersed among the red blocks. Red vines from the crimson forest drape along some of the vines on the walls.

Techno, in the meantime, is none the wiser to what's happening at L'manberg. He's working on his farm with Phil, building a bee house, a turtle farm, and gathering back his resources that were lost and stolen at the end of the war. He also takes care of his horse, named Carl and not to be confused with Karl Jacobs.

Phil also changes into his Anarctic Empire clothing to match with Techno during this time.

Phil's winter clothes. They match perfectly with Techno's blue outfit. He wears a blue robe with a red fur cape held with a golden chain. A ruby and gold belt sits around his waist. He wears black boots and white gloves. His green striped bucket hat has been replaced by a baby blue striped bucket hat.

On December 15th, 2020, Dream messages Techno, telling him to meet him on top of a steep mountain. Techno finds Dream who tells him that he knows where a huge treasure lies. Dream passes a woodland map to Techno and tells him to find the treasure. Techno heads off in search of the mansion and finds a totem of undying, a golden statue that grants life to a player should they die while holding it. Techno is thankful but confused as to why Dream would give him a resource like that.

A minecraft totem of undying. It's a small golden statue with green emerald eyes. The face of the statue looks like a minecraft villager. It has small golden wings where the arms are. This is a screenshot of a minecraft game where there are three bees in the frame. All of them are hovering around red and orange tulips. This is a screenshot of Techno's stream where he's showing off his finished bee farm. It's a small spruce extension to his house. Through the windows, we can see yellow dandelions all in a line, and behind that, a row of bee hives. A ladder on the side leads to the roof.
Techno - a new quest

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