Season Three: The Last Day in the Prison

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March 1st, 2021

Tommy and Dream are still stuck in the prison together despite it being two weeks since the security threat. Sam is no farther in figuring out what happened, and still can't give them an update on when Tommy can leave.

In the meantime, Tommy is driving Dream up the wall with his nervous antics. He just wants to leave and get back to everyone else as fast as possible.

One of Tommy's cats is in the prison (due to a blooper), that Dream has taken a liking to. But Tommy soon kills it in retaliation.

Tommy is still yelling for Sam to let him out. If Sam can hear him, he doesn't answer.

Dream promises that he's going to break out of prison, maybe even with Techno's help since he still has a favor to call in. Tommy disagrees, saying that all Dream does is manipulate people. Why would anyone actively want him out?

Dream continues taunting, saying that when he's out, he's not going to use the revival book on anyone, not even if Tommy begged him. Tommy argues back and says that the book is fake and just another means to manipulate people. The argument turns physical as Dream starts hitting Tommy in anger.

Dream continues to claim that it's true, and Schlatt gave it to him.

"…You? You’re stuck in here forever. I don’t think this revive book is real. Schlatt? He’s fucking dead. I’ve seen his grave! His grave is real. His corpse is there, alright!?!” – Tommy

“Why don’t you go see him then!” – Dream

“Stop it, stop it, stop-!”

Dream beats Tommy to death, abruptly taking his last life. Tommy immediately ends his stream on the death screen.

A screenshot from Tommy's stream. He's standing in the prison cell, white particles taking up most of his screen. The Minecraft death message, You Died! is at the top of the screen. Tommy's webcam shows him schocked.

Prison Visit - skywerse

Dream kills Tommy - Grimmijaggers

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