The Eggs' Disappearance: Days 168-170

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September 6th, 2023, Day 168

The eggs don't appear today. The parents are concerned, but ultimately, they know that the eggs will be fine. In the past when they've disappeared, they've always returned just fine within 24 hours. The Fed won't do away with them for good. [will add a more detailed description later]

September 7th, 2023, Day 169

The eggs return! But, they're even more cracked than before and very dirty, almost covered in mud or something. Tubbo and Fit investigate Chayenne and Tallulah, coming up with the theory that the eggs are hatching. That's what's going on! That's why the Fed took them the previous day!

However, Tallulah, among others, say that they don't think that's what's happening. They feel dirty, disgusting. Whatever the Fed did was gross.

In the meantime, someone has stolen all of the furniture around the island to help swing the vote a certain way.

A screen shot from Tubbo's stream. They stand outside Phil's trapdoor to his house, Tubbo stands over Tallulah, who is visibly dirty and cracked. She holds a sign that says 'do you really Think we will be okay?' In the background, there is another one of Tallulah's signs that can be read. 'tio tubbo, i feel filthy, im disgusting, my body hurts. Next to Tallulah, there is another sign but Chayanne's duck covers the majority of it. What we can read says, 'confused...everything [hurts] me.'
A screenshot from unknown stream. It's a screenshot of Chayanne and Pomme cracked and dirty. Bad is standing over Chayanne, holding one of his signs.
A drawing of five of eggs: Dapper, Leo, Pomme, Chayanne, and Tallulah. They are all cracked and covered in mud. They also sport dragon legs and tails.Art by doodle-blitz on Tumblr

September 8th, 2023, Day 170

Someone has taken all of the warpstones and rearranged them on top of Forever's base in a flaming pentagram. They clearly want one mod to win the vote...

As the islanders want to figure out what happened to the eggs when they were taken, they come to find that the eggs are gone completely. They're not sleeping in their beds. They're not up and awake, running around. It's just their items, their things, sitting at the bottom of their beds. The eggs are gone for certain this time, and no one knows where.

Forever logs on and sees that Richas's bed is empty in his room in the NINHO. The whole purpose of the NINHO was to keep eggs safe. It can't even do that. All Forever can do is stare at the bed, thinking and trying to see who he can talk to to find out what happened. He goes to his office and calls for Cucurucho. They'll have a meeting soon enough. Forever takes a seat at his desk and waits. And waits. And waits. His anger is growing at the Federation, and maybe they won't be strong enough to stop him.

Forever's depressed president skin. He wears his dark grey presidential suit with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. However, the Brazillian flag that's adorned on his shoulder like a cape, alongwith the rest of his suit is visibly dirty with some rips and tears. His suit is ruffled, like he slept in it, and he has visible bags under his eyes.
A popular tiktok edit by @emizadu playing Mama's Boy by Dominic Fike that sort of became Forever's anthem towards the Eggs' Disappearance and the insanity he felt
Forever's VOD

In the meantime, Foolish and Tubbo get contacted by a capybara to continue searching for Mr. Mustard. A mysterious trail of oranges leads Foolish and Tubbo to a pool that was built earlier. The pool is filled with oranges and containes a single book. The journal that Foolish found this time reads:

"On this summery day, what could be more desirable than a fresh cooling in a pond made by the residents of this island? In company with the younglings and their respective guardians, my colleague, who now shall be referred to as Elisangela, and me got to delight through illuminations (fireworks), musical tunes, and laughter. Sir Foolish and little Leo were enamoured once more in our prescence and it delights me every time I have the pleasure to met those two.

An odd fascination with the fruit of an orange is growing on me. I can't quite grasp the meaning behind such a peculiar detail, but I will not question it. Perhaps it is just one of those whimsical moments in life.

For now, farewell."

Tubbo's VOD
Foolish's VOD

September 9th, 2023, Day 171

Bad's 5 Stages of Grief - Denial. To be added later. [add Forever's ARG]

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