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For the most part, the early days were like any other beginning stages of an SMP, where everyone is mingling, mining, building starter bases and gearing up, some pulling pranks. However, people didn't really interact with others outside their language-groups as the live translator had not been introduced quite yet.
But, that doesn't mean that this time was boring.
The first few hours are kind of peaceful, as peaceful as a bunch of people playing Minecraft can be. However, as they keep playing, they soon find out that they're not alone on the island. There is something else there, watching, taking notes.
A white creature follows them, lagging behind, spying, and when people finally notice, getting scared that this thing is just silently watching, it smiles and laughs before introducing itself.
It calls itself The QSMP Census Bureau, and it's here on official business to interview the islanders.
Since it doesn't have a name, the islanders take to calling it Osito Bimbo, after the Latin American bread mascot.
However, they also make fun of the creature, eventually calling it Cucurucho, meaning the white paper vendors use to wrap ice cream cones in. This is the name that sticks.
Cucurucho, for the most part, is tame and curious, seemingly keeping away at first because it's shy and laughing along with the jokes. He can only speak in text-to-speech with simple answers like "Yes", "No", and "Good morning". Its English voice is higher pitched and sounds more feminine while its Spanish voice is deeper and sounds more masculine. This only adds to the eerie-ness as Cucurucho sneaks up silently on the islanders, and then when they notice, laughs and tells them "Good morning" and asks "What are you doing?" And the end of each conversation, it leaves with a classic "I hope you enjoy the island." or the more well-known "Disfruta la isla."
For more complex conversations, Cucurucho uses books to write questions or responses in them and throws them on the ground for the islanders to pick up and read.
All credit for summary and sources to @pixiecaps on tumblr.
Links: Roier Vod Day 4, Roier Vod Day 5, Spreen Vod Day 5 Part 1, Spreen Vod Day 5 Part 2 Roier Day 6, Missa Day 6
Wilbur's band LoveJoy have finally written and produced enough music that they're going on tour in the United States! This means that Wilbur will not be logging in for the next while. Day 12, April 3rd, 2023, he plays for what he's expecting to be the last time on the server, finally leaving his Minecraft Streamer persona behind to go worldwide as the lead singer for LoveJoy.